
TM Forum | Smart City Forum

A smart city is a city that engages and connects to its citizens.

Engage. Live. Work. Thrive.

The smart city movement has the potential to transform the very fabric of our society. By better connecting citizens to the future of their cities, through innovative use of ICT and secure high-speed communications, we are seeing the beginning of a new era for cities. During this transformation, there will be a lot of uncertainties and unknowns. City leaders and ecosystem partners will need to approach these challenges with a collaborative mindset. Join us!

There are no siloed ecosystems in a true smart city. Each ecosystem, be it smart energy, traffic management, or smart buildings all have an interdependency on the other, and very often need to share data and services to make the end-user experience smooth and efficient.

This Smart City Maturity and Benchmark Model has been designed to capture the key aspects of a city’s transformation journey to become a smarter city. A smart city is characterized by a high level of community and citizen engagement, by its attractiveness for businesses and by efficient and sustainable city operations.

The model allows a city to quickly assess its strengths and weaknesses in five key dimension areas related to city smartness and to set clear goals as how it wishes to transform over the next two to five years.

Start your Smart City Journey here >>

Several short-term and long-term initiatives are currently underway to realize this vision, including:

  • Smart City Global Forum – An open group on LinkedIn to promote thought-provoking smart city discussions and collaboration.
  • Smart City Project – Facilitating practical and meaningful collaboration with 900+ global corporate members is at the heart of TM Forum’s mission. Smart City specific assets and deliverables in being considered include the Smart City Frameworx Toolkit, Best Practice Guides, Maturity Assessments, a crowd-sourced open data city model and Benchmarks and Catalogs to facilitate partnerships and the development of extended smart city ecosystems.
  • Smart City Proof of Concept – TM Forum Catalysts are rapid fire, member-driven proof-of-concept projects which create innovative solutions to common industry challenges. The Forum and its members have already developed a number of Smart City and SmartX Catalysts, with several new Smart City Catalysts in the works.
  • Smart City InFocus Events – The series of events including Smart City InFocus event in Yinchuan with a world-class audience of 300+ public and private sector dignitaries, more than a dozen CxO level speakers who represented some of the most progressive smart cities in the world.
  • Smart City Innovation Centers – Our first Innovation Center launched in collaboration with the City of Yinchuan, China and ZTEsoft. Several discussions are underway to establish additional centers in major cities in 2016.
  • Smart City Hackathons – The Forum ran a very successful Hackathon during its flagship TM Forum Live! Event in May 2016, several innovative solutions were developed and the Forum plans to continue this successful series to drive crowdsourced smart city solutions that provide wide-ranging benefits to cities the world over.
  • Smart City Think Tank Group – Bringing together the top 10 think tanks in the world to provide insights and research that the Smart City Forum members need to be successful.
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