
The Digital Divide – ConnectHome

ConnectHome is a public-private collaboration to narrow the digital divide for families with school-age children who live in HUD-assisted housing.

ConnectHome creates a platform for community leaders, local governments, nonprofit organizations, and private industry to join together and produce locally-tailored solutions for narrowing the digital divide. Through these stakeholders’ specific commitments to provide free or low-cost broadband access, devices, and digital literacy training, ConnectHome extends affordable access to low-income families, ensuring that high-speed Internet follows our children from their classrooms back to their homes.

The pilot program launched in 2015 in 27 cities and one tribal nation in collaboration with public housing agencies, local government, Internet service providers, and nonprofit organizations. Since then, 37% of HUD-assisted households with children in these communities have Internet access through ConnectHome.


Source: The Digital Divide – ConnectHome

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