
Smart City Brussels

The smart city vision for the Brussels-Capital Region

Becoming a smart city: the Brussels-Capital Region is increasingly presenting new ideas and projects to achieve this. The primary goal is to improve the quality of life of everyone – citizens, visitors, commuters and businesses…

What is a smart city?

The smart city brings together the needs of its inhabitants, the challenges of our age and the benefits that the digital revolution can provide in both these fields.

Definition of a smart city

Ambitions of

The Brussels-Capital Region pursues its own smart city strategy under the name In particular it incorporates the ambition to transform Brussels into a digital hub.

The Brussels-Capital Region’s smart city strategy

Public bodies in Brussels building the smart city

Improving quality of life in Brussels by getting actively involved in the digital transition: we work with various public bodies involved in building the smart city in Brussels.

The Brussels-Capital Region’s smart city who’s who



Source: Smart ity – Brussels

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