
Smart City – Vienna

Riesenrad Wien (c) Martin DworschakSmart City Wien – For a good reason!

Climate change and a severe shortage of natural resources, especially fossil fuels, represent the big global challenges of the coming decades. They will determine the future design of cities as living spaces. The switch to renewable energy sources in cities is the biggest challenge. 75% of the CO2 emissions throughout the world is currently caused by burning fossil fuels in cities. There is an awareness of these links at European level, which has led to the Smart Cities initiative, aimed at supporting cities in achieving the European “low carbon economy” targets.

Vienna is among the most successful cities worldwide where quality of life, infrastructure and innovation are concerned. Our aim is to hold this position in times to come. That is why we have developed the concept of the “smart city”, a city that is fit for the future and geared towards opportunities and that is capable of producing credible perspectives for its people. First and foremost we want to secure and further improve its ecological, economic and social performance.

The City of Vienna is facing challenging times ahead. The population in the federal capital is growing and in Greater Vienna will reach the three million mark in the course of the coming 25 years. This development goes hand in hand with a rising demand for energy, demand for affordable and functional housing and a need for strong traffic concepts.

Mission Statement

Smart City Wien is a long-term initiative by the City of Vienna to improve the design, development and perception of the federal capital. Smart City Wien looks at a cross-section of the city, covering all areas of life, work and leisure activities in equal measure, and includes everything from infrastructure, energy and mobility to all aspects of urban development.

Smart City Wien has set itself the task of consistently and continuously modernising the city in order to reduce energy consumption and emissions significantly without having to forego any aspects of consumption or mobility. Smart City Wien stands for the “intelligent city”, intelligent and innovative solutions, responsible and sustainable use of resources.

Smart City Wien brings together the issues of the future for the City of Vienna, provides them with a common context and offers all of the protagonists a shared platform.

Smart City Wien in a nutshell

The video shows how Vienna can consistently save resources through technical and social innovation. The Smart City Wien initiative, which started in 2011, puts the people into the spotlight. As a smart city Vienna stays a city, which can provide a good life to everyone in the future.

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Source: Smart City – Vienna

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