
Smart City Inclusive People-Centered Innovation @iclei

Smart City

Cities are transforming data and technology into tools to analyze, monitor and optimize urban systems as they strive towards environmental, economic and social sustainability. However, cities also need to critically evaluate the impact of technology solutions and ensure that the interests of their citizens are at the core of ongoing Smart Cities discussions.

The rapid development of technology is digitalizing urban systems, altering physical (e.g. energy, water, waste, transportation) and social (e.g. social and economic inclusion, governance, citizen participation) infrastructures. This brings new opportunities but also consistent challenges to overcome: cyber security, job loss and privacy are only some of the critical areas where purely technology-driven approaches show their limits.

For ICLEI, Smart Cities are the ones that look at the big picture, using resource efficiency and technological progress as well as taking overall urban governance into account to achieve a wider vision of sustainable cities and communities. This balanced approach ensures that the adoption of smart solutions in cities is people-focused, benefits urban citizens and ultimately leads to a safe, inclusive and sustainable future.

ICLEI helps local governments navigate the digital transition by building strategies and developing leadership capacities through the following initiatives.

A Smart City analyzes, monitors and optimizes its urban systems, both physical and social, through transparent and inclusive information feedback mechanisms. Discover ICLEI’s Smart City Agenda.

CiBiX, ICLEI’s city-business accelerator, facilitates dialogue and innovative cooperation models between local governments and businesses to promote inclusive and sustainable solutions for urban challenges.

The Urban Transitions Alliance presents an opportunity for industrial and former industrial cities across the world to become global leaders in sustainable urban development.


Source: Smart City | ICLEI Global

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