
How to Build Global Cities That Are Engines of Inclusion

Build Global Cities That Are Engines of Inclusion – 100 Resilient Cities

Cities are increasingly punching above their weight as engines of global economic growth, and the leaders are doing it while emphasizing inclusiveness.

Urban development has historically focused on the structure of the local economy, business development, job creation and, increasingly, education and workforce preparedness. But cities have rarely thought about these issues for the specific purpose of addressing inequality and helping marginalized people. Until now.

Recently, we have seen a shift, with some forward thinking cities, like Louisville, Munich, Santiago, Singapore and Stockholm, that are working hard to figure out how to be engines of inclusion rather than ones of displacement. Searching out how to create more opportunity, rather than more disparity.

These cities acutely understand that if the positive benefits of their growth are not shared evenly across their neighborhoods and among their residents, this growth simply won’t be sustainable.

Source: How to Build Global Cities That Are Engines of Inclusion – 100 Resilient Cities

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