
Google’s Sidewalk Labs signs deal for #smart city makeover of Toronto’s waterfront – The Globe and Mail

The partnership between Alphabet Inc.’s Sidewalk Labs and Waterfront Toronto could bring a bold experiment in city-building and high-tech to the city. The project will invest $50-million (U.S.) in a year-long planning process for a 12-acre district on the waterfront.

A unit of Google’s parent company, devoted to urban innovation, has signed a deal to map out a new kind of neighbourhood on Toronto’s waterfront that could demonstrate how data-driven technology can improve the quality of city life. This is the first such project for Alphabet, and for Sidewalk Labs. If the initiative proceeds, it would include at least 3.3 million square feet of residential, office and commercial space, including a new headquarters for Google Canada, in a district that would be a test bed for the combination of technology and urbanism.

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