
Google Is Outfitting Carnegie Mellon With A Smart City “Living Lab”

Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh has long been considered one of the world’s leading robotics research institutions–so much so, that ride-hailing company Uber recently poached 40 of its scientists and researchers.

A new project funded by Google will help the institution expand beyond its robotics cachet, as CMU turns its campus into a “living laboratory” for smart technologies.The university will essentially become a petri dish for Google’s Internet of Things technology. The campus will be outfitted with Internet-connected sensors and accelerometers that will enable buildings and other traditionally “dumb” devices to communicate with the Internet.

The goal is to allow any physical object or space–be it a coffee pot or bus stop–to connect with other web-enabled tools, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Eventually, the hope is to extend the project beyond the borders of the CMU campus.

Source: Google Is Outfitting Carnegie Mellon With Smart Tech To Create A “Living Lab”

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