
Future Accessibility & Assistive Technology Summit Qatar | Homepage

About Future Accessibility & Assistive Technology Summit QatarFuture Accessibility Summit Qatar will support recent initiatives launched by the Qatari Government which aim to fully transform Qatar into a leading disabled-friendly city by 2020, through ambitious initiatives designed to maximise participation and inclusion of all Qatari citizens in achieving a fully integrated society.


Announced in November 2016, five key priorities have been defined to ensure future buildings and facilities are built in compliance with disability-friendly standards.Working groups have been formed within the Qatari government to develop projects of a world class standard for accessibility in a modern urban environment and which are a central milestone on the roadmap to achieving the Qatar National Vision 2030.Future Accessibility Summit Qatar will support the transition towards a more accessible urban environment by focusing on the principles of universal design that integrate adaptive and assistive technologies that make services, buildings, transportation and activities in Qatar more easily available to all, with a special focus on those with disabilities.Call us today on +971 4 361 4001 or email for further information.

Source: Future Accessibility & Assistive Technology Summit Qatar | Homepage

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