
Gartner Proposes Four Strategies To Make Smart Cities Work

Gartner Proposes Four Strategies To Make Smart Cities Work

Analyst firm Gartner lays out its four strategies for city leaders to make their smart cities work. Local government needs to engage with citizens to find out their needs before investing millions into smart city programs, according to advisory firm Gartner. It proposed four strategies to refocus smart cities around the needs of the community. The first is understanding the…

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Your Smart City Is Watching You

Your Smart City Is Watching You

In 1969, William H. “Holly” Whyte decided to analyze, and eventually decode, New York City’s rambunctious street life. A famed author, Whyte, along with a handful of collaborators, was recruited by the city’s planning commission to set up cameras and surreptitiously track human activity. Whyte and his team spent countless afternoons filming parks, plazas, and crosswalks, and even more time…

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