
Smart City Maturity Model unifies plans for the City of Atlanta

Who: City of Atlanta What: Needs the ability to map, measure and monitor its smart city strategy

How: Using TM Forum’s Smart City Maturity & Benchmark Model as one of its tools Results:

  • Who: City of Atlanta
  • What: Needs the ability to map, measure and monitor its smart city strategy
  • How: Using TM Forum’s Smart City Maturity & Benchmark Model as one of its tools
  • Results: The city now has a clearer understanding of its current situation and a process for measuring progress going forward

Like many cities, Atlanta’s population is growing at an incredible rate. The city’s low-cost urban lifestyle combined with the convenience of the world’s busiest airport has people “taking up residency in droves”. Although new development is occurring all around the city, much of Atlanta’s infrastructure is ageing – some over 100 years old.

These issues create new challenges for the city and its citizens. The City of Atlanta recently established a centralized smart city initiative, SMARTATL, to tackle these concerns through an integrated technology approach.

Torri Martin, Director of SMARTATL, leads this initiative. “We’re at the beginning [of our smart city transformation], said Martin. “We’re new to it, but we’re looking to make great strides.”

The City began this process by surveying its residents asking them about their pain points. Interestingly, patterns emerged but issues ranked differently across various locations in the city. Through this exercise, Atlanta was able to map its primary smart city objectives:

Source: Case study: Smart City Maturity Model unifies plans for the City of Atlanta – TM Forum Inform

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