
A smart city is an open city | Open Data Institute

Smart cities in focus: enabling individuals and communities to improve their lives. Demands on cities are increasing everywhere.

We believe that the time of ‘smart cities’ being thought of in terms of infrastructure and technology has passed. Rather than asking “what systems should be built, using what technology, to create sustainable urban environments?”, we should be engaging directly with all our cities’ users to understand and improve their lives.

A smart city is not about technology. We are exploring how we can create, share, collaborate and use information to create better cities. We believe that the key to making a city smart is putting people and openness at the heart of its design and operation. Together, people create the cultures that shape a city’s identity, its rhythm, its sense of community, its diversity, and ultimately ensures the collective wellbeing of its citizens.Open culture creates better cities for everyone.


Open data is data that anyone can access, use and share. Whether it is data on local housing from government, real-time train times from rail companies, organising family events, or finding supermarket locations from retailers, open data can help us all better understand, and interact with, our cities.Keeping infrastructure and markets open is the only scalable way to ensure equitable and secure growth in our cities.

Source: A smart city is an open city | Open Data Institute

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