
Key Recommendations for an Inclusive Smart City

This publication is of critical importance as it contributes a clear overview of the main issues at stake. Namely, that governments, civil society organizations, and the private sector have a role to play in ensuring that accessibility is not an afterthought but a central component of their work. It also provides guidance on how to address the accessibility lack, in a simple way supporting policy makers in designing solutions for all from the start. It is important to stress once again that there are no excuses to leaving persons with disabilities behind; our recognition as equal members of society will bring prosperity to all and cities that are respectful and safe for all human kind.


Publication: “The Inclusion Imperative”: CBM along with World Enabled has drafted a document titled ‘The Inclusive Imperative: Towards Disability-Inclusive and Accessible Urban Development‘. This document lists out the key recommendations for an Inclusive Urban Agenda. You can also access the ‘easy read’ version.

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