
Philly begins major efforts to become a #SmartCity with focus on Digital Inclusion

The “Readiness Workshop” was part of the Smart Cities grant and meant to serve as a jumpstart to help the city develop a roadmap to becoming a Smart City. The Office of Technology will also use a $200,000 grant from the Knight Foundation to create the actual roadmap.

One thing that will set Philly apart from other cities’ roadmaps is that it will be very focused on the community at both a general and individual level, said Charles Brennan, chief information officer of the Office of Innovation and Technology.

“We’re a city of neighborhoods and each of the neighborhoods has different needs,” said. “So we wanted to be sure we get all that in a plan.”

The roadmap, according to Brennan, is expected to be revealed sometime in the first quarter of 2018. His team and PwC-US Advisory will spend the next few months taking a deep data dive, all the while increasing engagement among various communities and stakeholders.

Source: Philly begins major efforts to become a Smart City – Curbed Philly

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