
Smart Cities At The Crossroads Of People-Centered Urban Planning

Smart Cities At The Crossroads Of People-Centered Urban Planning

Are smart cities another fad that benefits only big tech companies, or can the power of citizen sensing help make life better for all who call the city home? Who would have thought frogs could be enlisted in the fight against household mould? It happened in Bristol in the United Kingdom when a digital ‘damp’ sensor in the form of…

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Urban Collaborative Spaces Can Provide Many Benefits for People with Disabilities

Urban Collaborative Spaces Can Provide Many Benefits for People with Disabilities

Collaborative spaces within the city are more than just rising hotbeds of innovation; they can serve as social equalizers to disenfranchised populations, such as people with physical and cognitive disabilities. Collaborative spaces can help promote social inclusion by acting as accessible hubs of civic engagement, meaningful relationships, learning, innovation, and creativity. As the world becomes more urban and digitally engrossed,…

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Universal Design’s Positive Return on Investment and Social Inclusion

Universal Design’s Positive Return on Investment and Social Impact: the Mary Free Bed YMCA Living Laboratory and Study | Global Universal Design Commission

Opened in 2015, the Mary Free Bed YMCA in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, is a state-of-the-art fitness facility designed using the principles of Universal Design (UD). Its design furthers accessibility and usability for all, regardless of user ability, age, and level of understanding (Blanck 2014). Constructed under the leadership of architecture and engineering firm Progressive AE, the building’s design includes…

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People-Centered Urban Design is Fundamental To Smart City Architecture


Smart City: People-Centered Urban Planning Concept When we talk about people-centric urban planning, we are referring to a process that puts people, or end-recipients, at the center of the process. People-Centered urban planning develops prototypes and solutions by performing embedded qualitative and quantitative research on those same people and end-recipients. Smart City Practice When we adapt this model to Smart…

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Gartner Proposes Four Strategies To Make Smart Cities Work

Gartner Proposes Four Strategies To Make Smart Cities Work

Analyst firm Gartner lays out its four strategies for city leaders to make their smart cities work. Local government needs to engage with citizens to find out their needs before investing millions into smart city programs, according to advisory firm Gartner. It proposed four strategies to refocus smart cities around the needs of the community. The first is understanding the…

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Creating a Culture of Inclusion

Screenshot-2018-4-1 Disability-smart the blog of Business Disability Forum

Accessibility can be seen in two ways. A set of rules and guidelines which say ‘Thou shall do x and thou shan’t do y’ or a way where we consider the needs and situations of the people who will be using our products and develop our products to ensure that we don’t disable them. By focusing on guidelines, standards and…

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How Columbus is Accomplishing its Smart City Vision

Screenshot-2018-4-1 How Columbus is Accomplishing its Smart City Vision Data-Smart City Solutions

At the end of 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT) launched a Smart City Challenge in which U.S. cities could submit proposals for funding to develop smart transportation systems that leveraged data and technology to improve urban mobility. In August 2016, nearly 80 applications and seven finalists later, the City of Columbus, OH secured a $40 million grant from…

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Buy IT! Your Guide for Purchasing Accessible Technology

Screenshot-2018-3-29 Buy IT —Your Guide for Purchasing Accessible Technology

When it comes to fostering an ICT procurement process that prioritizes accessibility and usability, the first step is to set your procurement priorities. This involves committing to an accessibility mindset and gaining executive buy-in for this commitment. Then, you’ll be ready to set standards and plan your procurement strategy. This section of Buy IT! walks you through the following steps:…

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Accessible Mobility for All | Smart Cities Listen-Up

Accessible Mobility for All: Development Cooperation For Accessible Public Transportation

Accessible mobility—public transportation that can be used by anyone—is a critical component of future urban development. The New Urban Agenda calls for a significant increase in accessible public transportation, and accessible mobility is part of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Worldwide, more than one billion people live with a disability, 80 per cent of whom…

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The Goal of Smart Cities Should Be No Less Than the Full Inclusion of ALL Citizens

Pavement Ends Sign

The goal of Smart Cities should be no less than the full inclusion of ALL citizens, including aging and disabled residents. Conceding to 95% or any target less that 100% inclusion, would be like building 1,000 kilometers of completed superhighway that abruptly terminates in 5 kilometers of dirt roads and ditches. Darren Bates Just a morning thought.   Darren Bates…

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Creating A Truly Inclusive and Accessible Smart City

Creating A Truly Disabled-Accessible Smart City

Creating a truly disabled-accessible city Accessibility should be and is slowly becoming a concern all over the world, but cities have often been behind the times. Despite the idea of smart cities rising in popularity and many urban areas embracing technology to improve everything from user experience to safety, accessibility hasn’t had the same attention as these ‘glamorous’ innovations. Today,…

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7 “Complete Streets” Smart City Strategies To Watch


According to the Complete Streets Coalition, “Complete Streets are streets for everyone. They are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Complete Streets make it easy to cross the street, walk to shops, and bicycle to work. They allow buses to run on time and…

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Smart Cities and Digital Societies Built By People-Centered Design

Screenshot-2018-3-19 Build Smart Societies On European Scale – Smart Cities Expedition

Europe has a tradition of creating economies that are compatible with the society’s expectations. This tradition is embedded in our culture: people want to have government systems that empower them to become who they want to be. To address today’s challenges it would a good idea for governments to create a level playing field where people-centred technologies are developed, bring…

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Google Maps Unveils Wheelchair Accessible Transit Routes

Screenshot-2018-3-19 Google Maps Unveils Wheelchair Accessible Transit Routes

Google Maps is filling in an important detail for its transit navigation by giving users the option to check a box that will highlight wheelchair accessible stations. The addition of wheelchair accessibility is meant to round out other location and direction features on a global basis. “This feature is rolling out in major metropolitan transit centers … Continue reading Google Maps…

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Will Smart Cities Precipitate an “Efficiency Trap”? 

Will Smart Cities Precipitate an “Efficiency Trap”? 

Technological fixes such as smart cities make a system more complex, resulting in “wicked problems” that require ever more extensive technological remedies. In October 2016, at the World Urban Forum 8 in Quito, Ecuador, UN Habitat launched its third planning cycle with Habitat III, now known as the New Urban Agenda. The agenda defines the work of the global urban…

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Inside Google’s Plan To Build A Smart City Neighborhood In Toronto

Screenshot-2018-3-16 Inside Google’s plan to build a smart neighborhood in Toronto

article-context-nav context-nav article article-hero-lede article-hero article-contents post-contents On the Sidewalk Labs website is a 200-page document explaining its vision for a smart neighborhood in Toronto. It’s packed with illustrations that show a warm, idyllic community full of grassy parks, modular buildings and underground tunnels with delivery robots and internet cabling inside. The text describes “a truly complete community” that’s free…

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MIT Hackathon Tackles Accessibility Challenges


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently hosted its annual Assistive Technology Hackathon (ATHack), an event that brings together people with disabilities and students from the graduate to Ph.D. level to work on prototypes for assistive tools. During this year’s multidisciplinary event, teams built “an accessible beanbag-toss game, a personalized blood pressure cuff, a portable and collapsible shower chair, battery and…

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Citizen Engagement, Accessibility, Cybersecurity Are Top Smart City Priorities

Smart City Engagement, Accessibility, Cybersecurity Are Top Priorities

 If you asked a ballroom full of government leaders what keeps them up at night, what do you think they would say?  According to our latest “What’s Next in Digital Communications for Local Government” survey results, expanding citizen engagement, increasing digital accessibility and minimizing cybersecurity risks top their to-do lists. Nearly 370 municipal and county government officials across North America…

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Citizen Engagement: Join or Watch Sidewalk Toronto Smart City Public Roundtable

Screenshot-2018-3-16 Join or watch our first Sidewalk Toronto public roundtable Plus, the end of main street

The only way to make the neighborhood of the future a more sustainable, livable, and equitable place is by hearing from Torontonians of all backgrounds and perspectives. That’s why we couldn’t be more excited that more than 1,000 people have said they’ll attend the first Sidewalk Toronto public roundtable next Tuesday, March 20. To help us hear from everyone, we’ve…

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