Today marks the seventh Global Accessibility Awareness Day, a celebration of inclusion and digital access for people with disabilities. Microsoft took the opportunity to unveil the Xbox Adaptive Controller, a gaming controller designed to accommodate a range of special needs, and Apple announced that its Everyone Can Code curricula for the Swift programming language will come to schools with vision- and hearing-impaired students.…
Read MoreYear: 2018
5 Ways AI Could Transform Digital Accessibility
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being built into our digital world. And there are great opportunities to maximise AI to make the digital world more accessible for people with disabilities. Here, AbilityNet’s senior accessibility and usability consultant Joe Chidzik explores some of the possibilities and some of the ways AI is already changing things for disabled people. 1. AI could…
Read MoreHealthHack 2018 Winner Aims for Better Accessibility
The winner of this year’s HealthHack Smart Cities Challenge is aiming to make Edmonton more accessible to those who use wheelchairs. Professor at the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta, Martin Ferguson-Pell, and his team have developed Click N’ Push – an app that shows just how difficult it can be to get around the city in a…
Read MoreFostering a Smart City Society of Smart People
Former Mayor Megan Barry in the spring of 2016 convened a working group to outline and coordinate Nashville’s efforts to better integrate technology with the city’s infrastructure as well as other parts of government and public life. The group’s work led to the delivery to Mayor David Briley in late April of a final community report called “Connected Nashville: A…
Read MoreCan Smart Cities Be Equitable?
Around the world, governments are making cities “smarter” by using data and digital technology to build more efficient and livable urban environments. This makes sense: With urban populations growing and infrastructure under strain, smart cities will be better positioned to manage rapid change. But as digital systems become more pervasive, there is a danger that inequality will deepen unless local…
Read MoreSmarter London Together – Smart City Roadmap
The Mayor has launched Smarter London Together – his roadmap to make London ‘the smartest city in the world’. This roadmap is intended to be a flexible digital masterplan for the city. It sets out how we want to collaborate with the capital’s boroughs and services, from TfL to the NHS. We also want to work more effectively with the tech community, our…
Read MoreThe Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Civil Society Forum
@DLBLLC and @SmartCitiesL are attending the Civil Society CRPD Forum at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters in New York City today via live-stream: #CRPD11 #CFCRPD @USICD — Darren Bates (@DLBLLC) June 11, 2018 Civil Society CRPD Forum – Ahead of the 11th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with…
Read MoreThis Is How Smart Cities Can Become More Inclusive
For urban planners, data and technology are valuable tools in the drive to improve administration and services. But while these innovations are making urban environments more livable, they come with a hidden cost: the potential to deepen inequality among digitally marginalized groups. Around the world, governments are making cities “smarter” by using data and digital technology to build more efficient…
Read MoreHarnessing the Internet of Things to Augment Life
.entry-header It can seem that everything in the modern household is interconnected – there’s good reason for this perception. The government invested £24m into IoT (Internet of Things) appliances over the past three years, with analysis finding that this had led to serious investment in consumer appliances. The result is that there are now gadgets that can slot into a wide range…
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence Poised to Improve Lives of People With Disabilities
Are you looking forward to a future filled with smart cognitive systems? Does artificial intelligence sound too much like Big Brother? For many of us, these technologies promise more freedom, not less. One of the distinctive features of cognitive systems is the ability to engage with us, and the world, in more human-like ways. Through advances in machine learning, cognitive…
Cities are home to more than half of the world’s population, and they are expected to add another” “2.5 billion new residents by 2050. They face increasing environmental pressures and infrastructure needs—and growing demands from residents to deliver a better quality of life and to do so at a sustainable cost. Smart technologies can help cities meet these challenges, and…
Read MoreSchoolhouse Tech: Why Smart Cities Must Also Be Inclusive Ones – Hypepotamus
I recently had the pleasure of accompanying the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) on its annual LINK trip in my capacity as the ARC’s citizen board member for the City of Atlanta. The purpose of the trip is for more than 100 government, business and non-profit sector leaders to visit other cities to learn from their successes and failures in addressing…
Read MoreWashington Group on Disability Statistics
About The Washington Group The Washington Group is a United Nations Statistics Commission City Group formed of representatives of national statistical offices working on developing methods to better improve statistics on persons with disabilities globally, with input from various international agencies and experts. These include UN agencies, bilateral aid agencies, NGOs, Disabled People Organizations, and researchers. The United National Statistical Commission authorized…
Read MoreWe Have To Stop Excluding People—Cities Depend On It
The people in our cities have incredibly varied lifestyles. They vary in the hours they work, the transport they use and in their accessibility needs – so it is essential that their cities work for them. Helping people live better and less complicated lives is at the heart of engineering. The Institution of Civil Engineers, alongside the City Leadership Lab,…
Read MoreHow Can Young People Seize The Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence?
At this week’s AI for Good Global Summit,artificial intelligence (AI) experts, ethicists, academics, technologists, United Nations representatives, and youth gathered to discuss how AI can help support educational initiatives and improve the lives of young people worldwide. They noted that while AI has the power to a resolve some of humanity’s grandest challenges, these technologies also risk leaving the young,…
Read MoreSmart Cities Big Data and the Meaninglessness of Mere Information
Smart Cities Big Data and the Meaninglessness of Mere Information: We attempt to take down the idea that more data is the solution to our problems. Without wisdom, and without an ethical frame, numbers mean nothing. By Chris Krycho and Stephen Carradini. Discovered by Player FM and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and…
Read MoreA Smart City is Tech, Data and Community: But Will That Build a Fairer Society?
The number of smart speakers bought in 2018 alone has doubled in the last four months with the likes of Alexa and Google Home answering queries in the home. Meanwhile driverless cars are being developed by the likes of Amazon and Tesla to deliver packages cutting human interaction. The idea sparked debate at The Drum’s Smart Cities Off Stone briefing…
Read MoreWeb Standards to Enable an Accessible and Inclusive Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to have an unprecedented impact on our daily lives. In particular, “smart environments” will change how we interact with our surrounding and with each other, including at home, in public spaces, and at the work place. This provides an opportunity to ensure equal access for people with disabilities. For example, operating doors, windows,…
Read MoreA Techies Guide for Monitoring Urban Accessibility in Smart Cities
Abstract The present work discusses the possibilities offered by the evolution of Information and Communication Technologies with the aim of designing a system to dynamically obtain knowledge of accessibility issues in urban environments. This system is facilitated by technology to analyse the urban user experience and movement accessibility, which enabling accurate identification of urban barriers and monitoring its effectiveness over…
Read MoreAn inclusive Smart Nation: 5 Devices with Great Assistive Tech Design
The benefits of Smart Nation should extend to all segments of society, especially those with disabilities. We take a look at 5 of these devices. Thank you to SPD for showing us these great assistive tech designs. Source: Government Technology Agency of Singapore Published on May 10, 2018
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