Researchers at EPFL developed a system that combines virtual reality with artificial tactile sensations to help amputees feel their prosthetics as if they are a part of their body. Source MASHABLE: Researchers at EPFL developed a system that combines virtual reality with artificial tactile sensations to help amputees feel their prosthetics as if they are a part of their…
Read MoreYear: 2018
Artificial Intelligence Ushers in Human-Centric Engineering Discipline
Over the past several decades, artificial intelligence has been besieged by rounds of hype that over-promised, under-delivered and nearly killed the field. Once more, Gartner positioned machine learning and deep learning at the top of its hype cycle, and all the publicity and potential often leads to a “trough of disillusionment” if the technology fails to deliver. Now that AI…
Read MoreSmart City Progress in 2018: 4 Strategies to Deliver on the Promise
Almost five years ago, amidst the initial hype of the technology-driven “smart city,” we published a report urging cities to take a step back. While talking to the early digital pioneers within city government, these leaders expressed to us that technological development was happening faster than their agencies could keep up. In response, we proposed judging “smartness” by whether places…
Read MoreGovernment Transparency is Key to Valuable Community Partnerships
Cities are at the forefront of innovative new solutions to long-time issues like access to housing, transportation, or education. Innovation is a group effort, though, and requires collaboration. To solve problems in cities, governments need to act not only as service providers for essential city functions, but also as conveners who facilitate new partnerships and relationships among their civic tech…
Read MoreInclusive Public Procurement Policies Will Help Create More Accessible ICT …
Inclusive Public Procurement Policies Will Help Create More #Accessible #ICT —and More Accessible ICT Will Help Create More #Inclusive #SmartCities — Smart Cities Library™ (@SmartCitiesL) August 21, 2018
Read MoreTowards a Sustainable Smart City: The Case of Aizawl
India’s hill cities are unique poles of development. While they have managed to record some degree of economic growth, increasing urban population and unfavourable topography have also made such growth haphazard and unsustainable. In turn, this has threatened the quality of the built environment and of urban life in these cities. This report studies the case of the hill city…
Read MoreSmart City Case Studies | The Knowledge Exchange Blog
.page-header .entry-header “The role of smart cities is not to create a society of automation and alienation, but to bring communities together”. (Iain Stewart MP) In June, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Smart Cities published a report outlining the findings of its recent inquiry into how the UK Government can support the expansion of smart cities and enable the…
Read MoreGoogle Accessibility Advances and Challenges
Homework is a drag for any high schooler, but for the class of 2006’s Laura Palmaro Allen, even starting an assignment required a laborious, multistep process. She and her family had to strip her textbooks from their bindings, run the pages through a high speed scanner, and digitize them — all before she could use text-to-speech software to actually ingest…
Read MoreLondon’s Chief Digital Officer Talks The Smart City Transition
London’s Chief Digital Officer talks the smart city transition © iStock / MarioGuti Government Europa spoke to London’s first Chief Digital Officer, Theo Blackwell, about how the city is pledging to lead the way and create a bundle of small smart cities within London. Cities throughout Europe are in transition; becoming smarter, using technology to make them more sustainable and…
Read MoreThe Top 10 Smart Cities Around the World
Highest Ranked Smart Cities of 2018-19 Eden Strategy Institute and OXD (ONG&ONG Experience Design) have come up with the top 50 smart cities of 2018-19. According to Eden Strategy Institute, this is one-of-its-kind independent ranking conducted for the first time that takes into consideration the roles that city governments play in leading a smart city strategy. The research studied…
Read MoreDo Smart Cities Have an Accessibility Problem?
As a student, the daily walk up London’s Exhibition Road, past its profusion of popular museums, was hindered by groups of tourists that stood four-abreast on the pavement, eager to learn more about the cretaceous period, or space flight, or ornamental Renaissance metalwork. I was therefore pleased when, one spring, the street was quickly transformed from a bustling thoroughfare for…
Read More7 Citizen Engagement Tips to Help Build Sustainable and Inclusive Smart Cities
How to foster dynamic civic participation, ignite citizen co-creation, and leverage human-centered urban design Lessons learned in the 20-year history of Smart Cities are testaments to the truth that successful and sustainable Smart Cities cannot be built solely upon the technology mainframe. Instead, cities must support and engage the broader community, prioritize and practice human-centered urban design, and provide diverse, accessible,…
Read MoreSmart City Conferences in 2018 – Information Age
What smart city conferences are coming up? With the topic of smart cities hotting up among businesses, here are some smart city conferences that are coming up later on in 2018. There are many smart city conferences coming up between now and the end of 2018. The importance of smart cities, to both the success of businesses and the…
Read MoreHow Can Governments and Companies Build Accessibility into Emerging Tech Like Iot and AI?
Erich Manser has run 18 marathons and set an Ironman world record for a physically-challenged athlete. He’s also legally blind. For him—and all athletes who are blind—carefully navigating the swirling stampede of runners, the chaotic cowbell-banging crowds, and the crush at water stations can be exceptionally tricky, even with the help of a guide. So when Manser ran the Boston…
Read MoreDesigners Are Driving Culture Change in City Hall
Designers — real modern designers who conduct human-centric research to create products and pages that work for people rather than systems — have started to arrive in local government, bringing with them philosophies that are changing cultures. This culture change is one in which governments have begun to modify their services to better meet the needs of constituents, seeing themselves…
Read MoreThe Inclusive Transport Strategy: Achieving Equal Access For Disabled People
Ministerial foreword A society that works for all Transport is at the heart of how we live our lives. It helps us get to work, stay in touch with friends and family, contribute to society and access vital services like healthcare and education. Easy access to transport is central to building a stronger, fairer economy. While many take for granted…
Read MoreAdaptive Technology Programs Turn to Robotics and IoT to Help People Who Have Disabilities
Smart technologies, such as robotic telepresence and the Internet of Things (IoT), are capturing the attention of adaptive technology programs in state and local governments, as well as educational institutions, according to experts. IoT and robotic telepresence are among the latest adaptive technology (AT) efforts states are deploying, as they seek to deliver on the 30-year-old Technology-Related Assistance Act of…
Read MoreWhat Does “Smart city” Mean?
Learn, adapt and innovate and thereby respond more effectively and promptly to changing circumstances by improving the intelligence of the city. They evolve towards a strong integration of all dimensions of human intelligence, collective intelligence, and also artificial intelligence within the city. The intelligence of cities “resides in the increasingly effective combination of digital telecommunication networks (the nerves), ubiquitously embedded…
Read MoreSmart Cities: How Cities Will Overcome Challenges of Implementing 5G Technology – Syndeo
#post-media The next major step in wireless networking is the 5G network. This new technology promises faster speeds, more stable connections, and the ability to connect just about everything from homes to cars to smartphones. With this new network, the idea of the smart city may finally become a reality. The 5G network will help city planners and technology vendors…
Read MoreManifesto For Human, Creative And Smart Cities Presented In Brazil
OASC Brazil publishes a Manifesto to raise awareness among city leaders and stimulate the implementation of social, economic and digital policies. The Manifesto has been shared with Brazilian authorities. A joint collaboration of OASC Brazil and OASC Portugal: Cláudio Nascimento (at speaker desk, left) and Margarida Campolargo (1st from the right) have presented the Brazilian Manifesto for human, creative, and…
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