Digital Inclusion Digital Inclusion refers to the activities necessary to ensure that all individuals and communities, including the most disadvantaged, have access to and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This includes 5 elements: 1) affordable, robust broadband internet service; 2) internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user; 3) access to digital literacy training; 4) quality technical…
Read MoreYear: 2018
Digital Inclusion – A White Paper
This white paper will provide the reader with insight into the role technology plays for the full participation of persons with disabilities and older people in the digital society. The authors consider equal opportunities to participate in all realms of life a human right. The paper will help the reader to understand what the barriers to full digital inclusion for…
Read More7 Steps to Achieve Hotel Website Accessibility and ADA Compliance | Hotel Online
By Max Starkov Background: There are approximately 48.9 million Americans with some form of disability. People with disabilities spend over $17.3 billion annually on travel, and the economic impact is at least double that figure since many of them travel with at least one or two other adults (Open Doors Organization). The vast majority of them use the Internet to plan…
Read MoreSmart City Pittsburgh – Expanding Opportunity For All
slider container SmartPGH was conceived to reconnect displaced communities to jobs, education and essential services. Through the USDOT Smart City Challenge grant and others like it, we’ll use technology to develop the kind of safe, reliable transit all Pittsburghers deserve. We’re on the cusp of a new revolution in transportation and information technology that has the potential to change the…
Read MorePittsburgh’s Smart City Roadmap for Inclusive Innovation
The Roadmap for Inclusive Innovation is a living strategic plan developed from the vision of Mayor William Peduto for the City of Pittsburgh to be a city of equity, access and opportunity through cross-sector partnerships and collaboration. The Roadmap sets out to connect, encourage and measure inclusive innovation in the City of Pittsburgh through internal innovation and partnerships with organizations,…
Read More10 Examples of How Open Data Helps Create Sustainable Smart Cities
Open Data is an essential part when creating Smart Cities, but this may sound like an exaggerated statement without substantiation founded. The best in these cases is to answer the question, how can Open Data help Smart Cities? Here we list ten examples to demonstrate the importance of this relationship. We live in a world where more and more people…
Read MoreSan Antonio Launches Smart City Committee On Digital Inclusion and Innovation
San Antonio officials announced Tuesday night it had formed a new standing committee to address technology and innovation. break According to Mayor Ron Nirenberg, the innovation and technology committee will take on smart city goals, strategy for growing the cyber security industry, digital inclusion initiatives, open data and expanding municipal broadband access all under one roof. “We’ve been working in…
Read MoreInnovation, Inclusion and the Smart City Workforce of the Future
Showcasing for the first time late last month, the Smart Regions Conference brought together a diverse group of leaders to discuss opportunities in Smart Cities. Rhonda Binda (Venture Smarter), Bjorn Simmons (Wyzerr), Michael Beck (Code for Kids), Austin Lee (Northern Kentucky University), Jason Miller (Centric Consulting), and Seema Shah (LaGuardia Community College) collaborate on Innovation, Inclusion and the Workforce of…
Read MoreSmart City Solutions Thrive Beyond City Limits
The smartest solutions thrive beyond city limits. Smart Regions enable smaller communities to implement smart city solutions, and focus on outcomes that put people first in our rural and suburban areas as well as our urban cores. They use technology to optimize or altogether replace failing systems and infrastructure, and in doing so alleviate otherwise strained municipal budgets. To begin…
Read More#CES2018 Accessibility Technology Showcase B-Roll
CES 2018 Accessibility Technology showcases innovative technologies that are changing the way people work, live and play regardless of age or disability.
Read MoreTo Build Inclusive Smart Cities Use Age-Friendly Equity Lens
To build an inclusive smart city, look through an age-friendly lens. As the aging population expands, some cities are implementing strategic plans to ensure the needs of the elderly are met — especially in terms of mobility and housing. Published Jan. 9, 2018 Attention to equity in city planning and in the distribution of municipal services is booming,…
Read MorePhoenix Light Rail Station Designed For and By People With Disabilities
Can Phoenix become a transit city? It’s looking like more and more of a possibility lately. Phoenix’s Metro light rail system is less than six years old but has already surpassed ridership projections for 2020. The system is carrying 48,000 passengers a day, or 22,000 more than initially projected, according to the Arizona Republic. Extensions of the system, […] .entry-header Perhaps no other…
Read MoreTop 11 #SmartCity Trends for 2018
Thank you Kenn for sharing this informative article: “Top 10 #SmartCity Trends for 2018. We’d like to add: “Top Trend #11” — See the comment just below your article from from Darren Bates. @DLBLLC #pwd #disabilities @disabilityscoop @FocusOnCities @Forbes — Smart Cities Library™ (@SmartCitiesL) January 8, 2018
Read MoreSmart City Inclusive Innovation: If It’s Not For All It’s Not For Us!
Inclusive innovation is an action. We believe in a Pittsburgh where if it’s not for all it’s not for us! It is providing equal access to products and services through the infusion of new ideas, people, and technology to meet complex challenges. From the arts to community development, to computer science; inclusive innovation is possible in everything. We know there is…
Read MorePittsburgh Roadmap to #Inclusive Smart City Innovation
This project was completed in Pittsburgh, the city of bridges. Residents of the city may cross multiple bridges on a daily basis. Yet, they rarely think about the bridge as they cross it or ponder how different their lives would be without it nor do they analyze what went into building that bridge. Even so, bridges are extremely important. They…
Read MoreBeyond Smart Cities: Driving Citizen Engagement and Smart Communities | Greta Knappenberger | Pulse | LinkedIn
On December 14th, we hosted our final Smart City Hub Meetup of the year with special guest speakers David Keyes (Seattle IT), Azmeena Hasham (Verizon), and Bob Akers (e-Stewards). Thus far, the meetups have been focused on emerging technologies such as broadband and sensors, connected & autonomous vehicles, blockchain, cybersecurity, shared mobility platforms and advanced data analytics. But last week,…
Read MoreSmart City Accessible Platform From Digital Services Georgia
At Digital Services Georgia, we believe we have a social responsibility to make government content readily available to everyone. Our platform, used by over 75 state agencies in Georgia, features code, structure, and designs that are optimized for accessibility. Partnering with subject matter experts from the AMAC Accessibility Solutions and Research Center and the state’s ADA Coordinator’s Office, we make…
Read MoreStates Can Help #SmartCity Vendors to Incorporate Accessibility | @NASCIO Report
Calling on vendors to develop an information and communications technology policy to establish and maintain an organizational structure that ensures accessibility is integrated into their offerings. States have a unique opportunity to help make their websites and apps easier to use for people with disabilities: They can force their vendors to make it a priority. That’s according to a new report from the National Association of State Chief…
Read MoreThe Secret Sauce of Successful and Inclusive Smart Cities
“A city isn’t smart because it uses technology. A city is smart because it uses accessible technology to build an inclusive culture ensuring no one is left behind.” Darren Bates This post focuses on the “secret sauce” that turns the idea of a smart city into reality. Question: What’s the secret sauce? Answer: People, the people who live in the…
Read MoreCan universities prepare ‘smart city engineers’ for tomorrow’s smart cities? – Study International
25892 By 2050 smart cities will be everywhere. How can universities prepare students for this? Source: Lu-Lu/ Can universities prepare ‘smart engineers’ for tomorrow’s smart cities? Share buttons made by – Version: 3.4.5 Share buttons by – Version: 3.4.5The future of our cities is undoubtedly smart. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automated Learning are set to revolutionise the way…
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