
Creating a Culture of Inclusion

Screenshot-2018-4-1 Disability-smart the blog of Business Disability Forum

Accessibility can be seen in two ways. A set of rules and guidelines which say ‘Thou shall do x and thou shan’t do y’ or a way where we consider the needs and situations of the people who will be using our products and develop our products to ensure that we don’t disable them. By focusing on guidelines, standards and…

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How Columbus is Accomplishing its Smart City Vision

Screenshot-2018-4-1 How Columbus is Accomplishing its Smart City Vision Data-Smart City Solutions

At the end of 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT) launched a Smart City Challenge in which U.S. cities could submit proposals for funding to develop smart transportation systems that leveraged data and technology to improve urban mobility. In August 2016, nearly 80 applications and seven finalists later, the City of Columbus, OH secured a $40 million grant from…

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