
What’s It Like For The Disabled To Navigate a Smart City That Isn’t Really Smart or Accessible?

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‘I feel like a second-class citizen’: readers on navigating cities with a disability We asked readers with a disability to share their experiences – good and bad. Their responses show the many ways people can be shut out of their communities.     Only 50 out of 270 tube stations are fully accessible. Photograph: Graham Turner for the Guardian  …

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What Would A Truly Disabled-Accessible Smart City Look Like

Screenshot-2018-2-14 What would a truly disabled-accessible city look like

What would a truly disabled-accessible city look like? Most cities are utterly unfriendly to people with disabilities – but with almost one billion estimated to be urban-dwellers by 2050, a few cities are undergoing a remarkable shift by Saba Salman To David Meere, a visually impaired man from Melbourne, among the various obstacles to life in cities is another that…

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There Is No Such Thing as a Smart City

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The term “smart city” is interesting yet not important, because nobody defines it. “Smart” is a snazzy political label used by a modern alliance of leftist urbanites and tech industrialists. To deem yourself “smart” is to make the NIMBYites and market-force people look stupid.Smart-city devotees all over this world will agree that London is particularly smart. Why? London is a…

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Citizen Engagement Workshops Help Build Smarter Smart Cities

Citizen Engagement Workshops Help Build Smarter Smart Cities in Toronto

Written by Herb Sih, Managing Partner   Recently, Think Big Partners had the opportunity to help the City of Toronto work on its smart city plan by facilitating several citizen engagement workshops. These workshops, held simultaneously through the support of Cisco via Cisco Telepresence, allowed Toronto city officials to broadcast one central message from the Toronto Reference Library downtown to four…

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Smart Paint to Help the Visually Impaired Navigate Smart Cities

Screenshot-2018-2-13 Ohio State University, Partners Develop ‘Smart Paint’ to Help the Visually Impaired Navigate Cities

In this installment of the Innovation of the Month series (read last month’s story here), we explore the use of smart technologies to help blind and visually impaired people better navigate the world around them. A team at Ohio State University has been working on a “smart paint” application to do just that. MetroLab’s Executive Director Ben Levine sat down…

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SmartCity Firms Put People First

SmartCity Firms Put People First

Delegates at forum emphasize that advancing society through innovation must take priority Speakers at the IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things emphasized that the technology is a means to improve and advance the lives of people and society. (PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY ASIA WEEKLY) It is about the people: This was the clear message from the IEEE…

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How Smart City Government Can Design a Better User Experience

How Government Can Design a Better User Experience

This story was originally published by Data-Smart City Solutions.  Last week, the government of Hawaii accidentally sent a massive alert to citizens warning of an impending ballistic missile attack. The message ended with the ominous warning “this is not a drill,” only to alert Hawaiians some 40 minutes later that the original missive had been sent in error. Point being:…

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Smart Cities Must Be People-Centered, Equitable Cities

Smart Cities Must Be People-Centered, Equitable Cities

Begin: WordPress Article Content Technology has always been a critical force deeply intertwined with the evolution of cities. From the first human settlements millennia ago to the industrial revolution to today, technological breakthroughs have impacted the buildings we use, the way we get around and how we live, work and play in the urban space. The development of smart cities…

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Your Smart City Is Watching You

Your Smart City Is Watching You

In 1969, William H. “Holly” Whyte decided to analyze, and eventually decode, New York City’s rambunctious street life. A famed author, Whyte, along with a handful of collaborators, was recruited by the city’s planning commission to set up cameras and surreptitiously track human activity. Whyte and his team spent countless afternoons filming parks, plazas, and crosswalks, and even more time…

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10 People-Centred Smart City Initiatives

Screenshot-2018-2-9 10 people-centred smart city initiatives Nesta

For smart cities to reach their full potential, they need to focus on the citizens living in them, not just technology. Traditionally, smart cities have emphasised hardware – the internet of things, ‘big data’ and advanced computing – over the needs of people and the challenges they face living in cities. They have also emphasised marketing and promotion at the expense of hard evidence…

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Talking Tech: Design Thinking for Accessibility

Talking Tech: Design Thinking for Accessibility: Associations Now

Talking Tech: Design Thinking for Accessibility     Accessible design enables people with disabilities to engage with digital products and services. Brightfind CEO Frank Klassen explains how associations can use design thinking principles to accommodate these users’ unique needs. Why should associations keep digital accessibility top of mind? One in five people in the United States has some sort of…

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Pedestrians First: A New Tool for Walkable Smart Cities

Pedestrians First: A New Tool for Walkable Smart Cities

With the urban share of the world’s population expected to increase to 70 percent by 2050, the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy is introducing a new tool to help governments, city planners, NGOs, and developers make cities more equitable, healthy, safe, and vibrant. The simple solution? Walkability. The new tool, Pedestrians First: Tools for a Walkable City will facilitate…

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How To Fix City Sidewalks

Screenshot-2018-2-7 The case against sidewalks

And how cities can create new avenues for pedestrians On a fall Saturday at Panorama High School, deep in Los Angeles’s San Fernando Valley, an arborist fields questions about which street trees produce the most shade with the least amount of water. A rep from a local street furniture vendor explains the difference between a bus bench and more protective…

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As The World Goes Digital, Is There A Hack For Inequality?

As the World Goes Digital, is There a Hack for Inequality? – Khmer Times

BARCELONA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – In the fashionable Poblenou district of Barcelona, hipsters and entrepreneurs rub shoulders with homeless people and immigrants, as the city authorities try to reduce digital inequality. The futuristic Media-TIC building is one of several venues around the city where disadvantaged people can sign up for free courses to improve their online literacy skills under a…

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Shared Mobility Principles for Livable Smart Cities

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  Sustainable, inclusive, prosperous, and resilient cities depend on transportation that facilitates the safe, efficient, and pollution-free flow of people and goods, while also providing affordable, healthy, and integrated mobility for all people. The pace of technology-driven innovation from the private sector in shared transportation services, vehicles, and networks is rapid, accelerating, and filled with opportunity. At the same time,…

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15 Mobility Companies Sign Joint Pledge To Promote Livable Smartcities

15 Mobility Companies Sign Joint Pledge To Promote Livable Smartcities

Fifteen of the world’s leading mobility companies today signed the Shared Mobility Principles for Livable Cities, which aim to provide a uniform vision for making cities more livable through aligned mobility priorities. By signing off on the 10 principles, the companies pledge to plan cities and mobility together; prioritize people over vehicles; support the shared and efficient use of vehicles,…

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How To Create an Accessible and Inclusive Presentation

Screenshot-2018-2-2 Inclusive Presentation Skills (audio described version) – YouTube

Ever wondered how to make your presentation inclusive and accessible to everyone…including us cool folks with disabilities.  Check out this new 2 minute video that walks through quick easy steps to make magic happen.

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What Do Accessibility and Universal Design Have To Do With Open Data and Smart Cities?

What Do Accessibility and Universal Design Have To Do With Open Data and Smart Cities?

Accessibility Series Part 1: Universal Design Matters in Open Data /.article__meta Open Data, Accessibility and Universal Design and interrelated concepts that tie into a general culture of inclusiveness and “openness.” We know what Open Data is, that’s probably what brought you here. But what do accessibility and universal design have to do with Open Data? This post will guide you…

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Digital Accessibility is a Civil Rights Issue

Digital Accessibility is a Civil Rights Issue

begin main content area Protecting digital accessibility ensures equal rights for disabled people toolbar By Lainey Feingold January 2018 features pagination logic primary story image on first paginated page Lainey Feingold. As the world has moved online, so have disability rights. Disability community activists use social media to spread the message of equality, opportunity, justice and inclusion. Disabled people and…

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TEDxTUM | A Vision of the #ResponsiveCity of the Future

TEDxTUM | A Vision of the #ResponsiveCity of the Future

A vision of the responsive city of the future Cities are among the greatest accomplishments of mankind – but they have not quite learned to respond to the needs of their inhabitants yet. Gerhard Schmitt believes that the communication between the city of the future and its people should be bi-directional. He reveals some approaches to make this possible, and…

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